I'm not familiar with the Volvo 1600 motor, but I do know the B18, and
B20 are incredably well engineered 5-main bearing engines capable of
over 200K miles between rebuilds. If they are bolt compatible with the
1600 motor, and would drop right in, that may also be an alternative.
Also consider, if the car was modified to take a volvo tranny, there is
a 4-speed overdrive version for the volvo engines, wich is nearly
Just a thought.
But then again you could put back in the 948 that has 1/2 the
HP&reliability of the volvo engines.
- Bryan
> Seriously, my bf may have found himself a vintage race car, and really
> wants to know if it's going to take a lot of work to get this sucker going
> again. The guy who is selling it has a 948 for it, we just don't know if
> changing it back is going to be a huge hassle, or if it'll just drop right
> in.
> On Thu, 15 Feb 2001 Daniel1312@aol.com wrote:
> > No brains, no common sense, bad taste, understanding of engineered
> > etc.
> >
> > Daniel1312
> >
> > In a message dated 14/02/01 19:14:05 Pacific Standard Time,
> > patricia.sauthoff@Colorado.EDU writes:
> >
> > << What is required to undo a Volvo 1600 conversion? >>