YOU'VE GOT A RODECK IN A BUGEYE?!? Holy s&*% . No wonder you like to play
in the salt! <VBG>
Keith Turk wrote:
> Let me say up front I don't know bout the 1100 motors.... I do however know
> bout sleeves....
> There is NO problem with a Correctly installed Step Sleeve... I run them in
> two of the race motors because we hurt the bores.... and the Rodeck is an
> aluminum block with 8 sleeves.... actually installed by Hand with a mitt....
> they heat the block and cool the sleeve....and slip it right in....
> So... don't fear the sleeve.... but question the quality of the
> installation... Keith
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Paul A. Asgeirsson" <>
> To: "Spridgets" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 8:42 PM
> Subject: Sleeves?
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > Would like to hear from some about this one.
> >
> > I have a customer who bought an allegedly totally rebuilt engine, a Postal
> > Van 1098, that I was to install in his nearly completed Morris, a ground
> up
> > restoration. It was the wrong color so I was cleaning it up to paint in
> > the wonderful Morris green. When I rotated it on its side for better
> > access, dirty oil came out. Mmmmmm! Took off the pan, and one main and
> > saw it was a trashed engine. Took it to the machine shop and he called
> and
> > said it was a sleeved engine, all four with sleeves that are but .060"
> > thick. He doesn't think he can bore them out and have them remain stable
> > in the block.
> >
> > So, I have a core 1098 that someone wants the head off it and I
> disassemble
> > it. Guess what! It too has four skinny sleeves in the block.
> >
> > Now my question is this, Am I running into an all out odds thing and
> found
> > 2 1098 blocks with sleeves in all bores or have some of you listers out
> > there run into similar situations? I still have one more core to take
> > apart. Anyone want to make book on the odds of it being sleeved?
> >
> > Thanks in advance for any input.
> >
> > Paul A