It sounds as if you have an internal short to ground at the switch, I
recommend that you test the switch with a DVOM. Disconnect the + and -
cables from the switch and test for continuity from the terminal to the body
with the switch engaged. there should be none. If there is you need a
different switch. Also make sure that there is no excessive resistance
between the terminals -w- switch engaged. Remember resistors reduce voltage
and current by converting current to heat. There should not be much
resistance at all between the terminals.
----- Original Message -----
From "Mike Maclean" <macleans at>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2001 6:08 PM
Subject: Burning issue.
> I'm at wit's end over this starter pull cable. It gets hot enough to
> change the temper of the metal cable and make it very brittle. After a
> couple dozen pulls to start the car it snaps off right at the connector
> that connects to the starter switch. I initially thought it was a bad
> ground. I changed the position of the ground from the bell housing bolt
> on the trans to the clutch slave cylinder. Still hot. My friend that
> sold me the car helps me work on it when I have a difficult problem and
> he encountered the same problem with it when he tried to start it and
> snapped the cable off again. He applied a huge jumper cable from an
> engine mounting bolt on the engine side of the rubber and the other end
> of it to the engine mounting bolt for the bracket on the frame, in
> effect another ground (engine to positive ground body). What is
> perplexing is you could pull on the connector (wire snapped off) and it
> was not hot! So, I thought the problem was solved. I stopped at Pep
> Boys on the way home and bought a universal woven copper ground cable
> about 8 inches long.
> Today I installed the ground cable where my friend had the jumper
> cable and sweat silver soldered a new bicycle cable into the starter
> pull button to finish the repair. I just pulled on it a couple of times
> with the ignition off and it got real hot just like before. Huh?
> Is the starter pull cable grounding on the instrument panel? Or, is the
> starter drawing too many amps? Is the small ground strap I just
> installed inadequate for the amount of amps flowing through the
> (defective?) starter? Is the starter solenoid (switch) defective?
> I don't know where to look first. Ahrrrrrrrrrrrg!!!!!!
> Mike MacLean-60 Sprite
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