You are talking rubbish - I don't want a trailer queen unless its an E-type,
given to me free and I can sell the standard parts to fund the purchase of
modified parts (eg triple DCOE). I wouldn't want a trailer queen bugeye
because there would be too much work getting it the way I wanted and I would
have to shop around for a tidy modified car.
As far as car shows go I am more interested in the modified cars than the
concours stuff, though generally I am more likely to look round cars at the
paddock of the race track.
I do like to see concours cars and applaude people who produce them but I
applaude race cars and modified cars more.
In a message dated 08/02/01 19:55:07 Pacific Standard Time, writes:
<< Everyone wants a "trailer queen"! If you read between the lines of those
who criticize trailer queens, it's not contempt that they convey, but
jealousy. After all, which are the cars that get the most attention at the
shows? It ain't the daily drivers!!
Bob >>