greetings people,
i realize ive been silent for quite awhile,sorry to disappoint some of you
but i didnt drop out of the list its just that at this time of year work
gets particularly hectic and i dont have the free time i do the other 3
seasons,however since im home sick i thought i would drop a note in your
collective laps.this whole band width wasting thread seems to be a
quintessential tempest in a teapot..personally i enjoy the off-topic reminds me of talks ive had with friends over the years over
beers,or rounds of golf,or rounds of skeet shooting.i like to think we have
a little family here on this list,so ok most of us will never meet
face-to-face,but that doesnt mean we dont enjoy each other's company.the
free and easy exchange of ideas and information is a very basic human
condition...oes anybody truly think that cavemen,squatting over a fire
eating roasted wooly mammoth never discussed anything besides the topic in
front of them,ie. the fire or the mammoth meat? its human nature to chew the
fat,so to speak,its good for the soul and it brings people together and
anybody is free to walk away at any time,it would save bandwidth for those
of us who enjoy wasting it creatively....anyway i shall put away my soapbox
and skulk away into the darkness again,only to rise from the ashes with the
coming of spring....
the phantom troublemaker