Well it's 1 AM but my starter pull cable heat problem is solved! Thanks
to Peter C. and Gerard I can now pull on the starter cable until the
battery dies and the cable stays cool!
Peter's diagnostic procedure eliminated any problems there might be with
the wiring, but Gerard zeroed right in on the problem. Gerard thought
the switch was grounding when the starter was pulled. Gerard suspected
the connection post of the starter was twisted internally and
contacting the case of the starter grounding the circuit. After
reconnecting the cable from the starter switch to the starter by looking
at the sequence of washers, lockwashers, fiber washers and nuts on an
original factory exploded drawing sent by Gerard, the cable now was
much farther away from the case of the starter than before. Another
problem was the inspection band that covers the openings in the starter
case for access to the carbon brush springs was very close to the metal
connector on the cable right where the inspection band clamping screw
drew it together. The cable must have been shorting to ground with the
combination of the inspection band clamping screw being close to the
cable and having only one brass nut and one fiber washer holding the
cable to the post.
Thanks to everyone on the list with their suggestions for this
puzzling repair. The only casualty was the original Lucas starter
switch that I needlessly tore apart for inspection. I also found out
the starter was almost shot and had to be rebuilt. So some good came of
this. And what a great bunch on this list. Bandwidth, shmandwidth you
guys and gals talk about anything you want. Were all friends here.
Thanks again,
Mike MacLean (one happy camper)-60 Sprite