Wishing you and Peter a fantastic and safe trip. BTW, ask P.C. where
the regulator is for my TR8... it's already been 10 hours since I talked
to him and I've not received it yet!!! <VVBG>
A thousand mile "road trip" is quite a run. What with winter weather
and all, hope the only surprise you encounter is like the proverbial
pot-of-gold at the end of a rainbow.
Take care
Keep the sticky side down!
Ron Soave wrote:
> Why not join THIS waste of bandwidth...
> I recently joined another Spridget list on Yahoo
> (thanks, Chris Nevard). So far the list is kind of
> finding its way. And so far there haven't been any
> questions that couldn't be answered via the Spridget
> archives. I personally haven't had time to add much
> value lately (or on this list either). Like Mr. 1312,
> I can usually answer any questions myself with a
> Haynes, DV, Stapleton, or the archives. There are
> problems like Mike McLean's latest that are excellent
> for the list forum, but for the most part I personally
> feel no one ever fixed a car over a phone line. The
> tech info is good as a reference, but it's only a part
> of this "list" experience.
> I personally have been ranted at (good naturedly) in
> the past for giving answers that are way too
> technical, and I have twice left the list because of
> excessive non-tech traffic, but that's been MY choice.
> I signed back on because I MISSED the banter. There
> are still days where I just delete everything.
> Yesterday it was everything having to do with THIS
> topic. It is as pointless a topic as we ever have,
> and I almost have to think the originator, whomever it
> was, couldn't possibly have thought the original post
> would change anything, and he/she hopefully realized
> the hypocrisy in posting a useless topic like this in
> the first place. It really is easy to "delete" once
> you get used to it. It's just email, guys.
> I have made many great friends through the list, and I
> hope to make many more. This weekend Peter C. and I
> are roadtripping to a Frank Clarici's house 1000 miles
> away to return the favor - he's visited us 3 times in
> the last year or so (and no Flounder, it ain't a
> homo-club meeting, but I'm bringing the baa-baa lube
> just in never know with them Jersey boys).
> Frank and Peter are 2 of the most knowledgable car
> guys I have ever met, and we will probably talk for
> about 1/50th of the time about tech stuff, the rest
> will be sitting around BS'ing much like we sometimes
> do on the list. I don't think we'd be such good
> friends if it were just cut and dry Sprite talk all
> the time. The "old timers" among you will recall when
> these two guys held a telethon on the list to buy me a
> Sprite when I moved 2 years ago... hardly on topic,
> but something I will never forget.
> It's late - sorry for the rant. Live and let live,
> and hit the delete key at will.
> Ron
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