Does anyone out there actually use Norton Antivirus SUCCESSFULLY? I've tried
it a couple or three times now, and it has caused me more trouble that any
virus ever has:
1) On Win98, it was OK (not great - really slowed things down) but when I
installed one of Microsoft's "Critical Updates" there was some kind of
incompatibility between them and the whole Win98 installation was screwed
up. Unbootable, but finally managed to boot in safe mode and get it hobbling
along a little. That's how I figured out what caused the problem.
2) Just recently, on Win 2000, the email scanner choked trying to scan an
attachment (and since that's what it's there for...) and Outlook couldn't
finish receiving mail. Had to disable mail scanning before I could finish
getting my mail. Had seen this on Win98 too.
3) Also on Win2K, attempting to install a small (2 Meg) app I downloaded,
Norton tried to scan it before it ran (as it should) but never finished and
was sucking up 98% of the CPU's time. Had to disable that.
4) And again on Win2K, it swelled the size of my registry beyond any reason
at all - Windows started complaining that the allocated registry space was
too small and I needed to increase it. Finally reached 150 Meg. Uninstalled
Norton and it dropped to 132. Still lots of crap left behind in there I'm
going to have to clean out.
And yes, the version is the right Win98/2000 version, so it's not out of
date software.
Geez, with protection like that, who needs a viri?
1971 Midget
----- Original Message -----
From "Robert Duquette" <RobertDuquette at>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: Virus ( Snow White ... ) + LBC Content!!!!!!!!
> The virus is called "W95.Hybris.gen".
> Norton's site has the info:
> Robert D.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Date: February 4, 2001 9:26 AM
> Subject: Re: Virus ( Snow White ... ) + LBC Content!!!!!!!!
> > Does anyone have any published info on "Snow White"? I looked in
> several
> >virus and hoax sites and saw nothing related to that name.
> > The mechanism that 99.99% of all viruses use (in order to slow,
> or
> >stop internet/intranet/pc function) is the web itself. Toss one message
> >to 8 people, who respond in kind to 8 more who respond to 64 and before
> >know it, every computer user in the word has seen the picture of the
> >lumber-laden econobox from Maryland... Toss enough "inquiring minds
> >to be informed" messages out, and eventually the net slows down. If you
> saved
> >every horror story signed by the "Director of Security" your computer is
> >certainly going to be slower. My old 486 crashed once a few hours after
> >downloading an exe from a certified site. I sent out a thousand messages
> >that no doubt spanned the globe in an hour. The crash was purely
> >coincidental, due to a mechanical failure in the drive. So, I sent out
> >another bazillion sorry messages, clogging the sewers that carry the
> detritus
> >of the information superhighway....
> > Get a good virus scanner, and subscribe to one of the urban
> >legends/real virus sites. But be careful downloading - they might just
> a
> >built in virus.... I heard that one computer virus checker is actually a
> hoax
> >and allows hackers to piggyback into everyone's hard drive....
> > Mark Childers
> > Director of Digital Security @