My apologies; I did not mean to imply that any disrespect was involved,
nor wish to set off any arguments. I should have remembered the little
smiley-face emoticon to show that I was speaking tongue-in-cheek, or at
least thrown in a few references to Zappa, cats, silicone brake fluid,
and towing my wire-wheel car backwards..... ; )
Rich -- Council Bluffs, Iowa
'74.5 RB MGB "Miss Maggie"
'79 Midget "Miss Molly"
'86 Ford Crown Victoria LTD "BarcaLounger on Wheels"
richard.arnold@juno.com or rdarnold@neonramp.com
On Sun, 28 Jan 2001 02:19:52 EST BritishCarMan@aol.com writes:
> Hey Rich and list, when I said "That's true for the most part." I did
> not mean that everyone was a bunch of foreigners. I agreed with the
> that the natives were pushed onto reservations. Many of the natives
> trying to keep their land. I respect my ancestors for their bravery in
> a stand in a losing battle. On the other hand part of my blood line
> back to England. They came to America in the late 1600's. We all have a
> right to be here. I meant no disrespect to anyone. I'm sorry if that's
the way
> you took it. I don't want to get involved with ethnic arguments, it's a
> of time. I would much rather talk about our little british cars.
That's why
> we are all here.
> Jamie
> 1962 AH Sprite MK II (under restoration)
> 1979 Trans Am (back on the road again)
> Web site links: <A
> HREF="http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/darkside/mycar.html";>Welcome to
> my british car site</A>
> In a message dated 01/27/2001 8:46:42 AM Central Standard Time,
> richard.arnold@juno.com writes:
>> Heck, only my LBC's are foreigners -- I was born here, as were my
>> parents, and their parents, and so on.... On the paternal side,
>> we go back to at least 1767 Virginia (if anyone has a Moses Arnold
>> lurking in their family tree, please let me know).
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