Be careful here. If you decide to do this then the TOB thickness will have
to make up for the loss of the mating device or you will run out of throw in
the slave cylinder. I don't know if anyone makes one that will work this
way. A lot of vehicles hev this set up without the PP small disc (mating
----- Original Message -----
From <Daniel1312 at>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: clutch
> Fit a roller bearing conversion of the type that runs directly on the
> fingers.
> Daniel1312
> In a message dated 13/01/01 12:33:52 Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> << The mateing devise [for like of a better name]that fites through the
> fingers
> of the pressure plate, that is the bearing surface for the throw out
> bearing, seems to be loose and will come apart [out of the pressure
> The preasur plate seems to be almost new. Anyone have any ideas on this?