Glen hasn't been truthful with you! He needs to fess up and come out of the
closet regarding this rear-view mirror comment. He's full of hot air! Now
Glen... wrote:
> Glen:
> They're easy to pass when they're broken at the side of the road! Actually,
> the 2.1 liter in the TR3A was the first production 4 cylinder to make 100 hp,
> although I would guess mine is not exactly producing peak numbers after 41
> years and a grand total of zero rebuilds. On the plus side, it seems to have
> outgrown it's flammable days, too, but that might be the result of it's
> hamfisted owner finally paying professionals to adjust the darned SUs. That
> jerk.
> Chris
> 59 Bugeye
> 59 TR3A
> 71 Midget
> 93 Audi S4 TQ
> In a message dated 11/29/00 4:53:11 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> > You're so right Chris, I've always admired the look of the TR3.......IN MY
> > I've only had the briefest of looks at the back of one. ;>)
> >
> > Regards,
> > Glen Byrns
> > '59 bugeye
> > '59 Morris Traveller (Winifred)