Hi David,
At 04:16 PM 11/7/00 -0500, you wrote:
>I will soon be taking over the reigns as editor of Smoke Signals which is the
>newsletter of my local club, the Smoky Mountain Austin Healey Club, an
>affiliate of the Austin Healey Club of America. As such, I will always be
>looking for articles of interest to the membership...
Welcome to the wonderful world of Healey newsletter editing! I hadn't
replied yet because I was waiting to see if I got re-elected last night. I
did, so I too will be spending andther year gleaning material from this
list, as well as the Healeys list. I highly recommend you subscribe to that
one, if you haven't already. You'll find a lot of good Big Healey material
to go with the Sprite stuff here.
Rick Snover
Editor, Healey Hearsay, and Vice President-Elect
Austin-Healey Club of San Diego <http://www.sdhealey.org>