the general rule of thumb in main caps and rod caps is never mix the items
with other components. there is a distant chance of material
incompatitability( high nickle alloy cast iorn vs. standard castiorn) as far
as expansion and contraction rates differing. but the best big reason is
that each rod and evry block is align bored seperatly. in spite of the rods
all fitting and being interchangable, their parts are not interchangable and
the same goes for blocks and their main caps.
now if a main cap is swapped from "like" blocks the entire block bore for
the crank MUST be align bored to restore the alignment of the respective
bores for the main bearings. but similar blocks caps may not be "similar"
after serious discrimination. be very carefull. if you are offered the
luxury of having 2 blocks with all their respective matching caps in order,
do not seperate the matching components! if you must pick and choose? find
a skilled automotive machinist who has experience in precision (racing/high
performance) machine work and have him do the choosing for you.
the added expenses now may save you the need for a new engine in the near
----- Original Message -----
From Gerard Chateauvieux <pixelsmith at>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 11:40 PM
Subject: Mix n' match
> Well, I finally got around to taking my crank from my 12CC engine (that
> fairly certain is an EN40B) and a thick flange block to the machine shop
> today. I thought since these guys do the local BMC dealers work, they
> know these engines fairly well... but they don't. I hear they do really
> good work though.
> Does anyone know if there is anything that potentially can be a problem
> putting this crank in a later block? I also noticed that the casting
> numbers are different on the main caps. Should I use the matching block
> main caps or the ones that match the crank?
> Gerard
> --
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> G G Gerard Chateauvieux
> E A
> R R
> A A
> R G Pixelsmith on Duty
> D E
> S