A couple of NOS Lucas Electronic dizzys have been up on Ebay the last couple
weeks, I think they were around $50.
- Bryan
>X-Authentication-Warning: teamfat2.dsl.aros.net: majordom set sender to
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>To: spridgets@autox.team.net, Elizabet Jones <fisher@hctc.net>
>Subject: 1500 Midget distributor
> Hi Elizabeth & All Spridgeteers,
> Got my manuals for the '76 Midget & ZS carb. Read over them last
>night so now I'm REALLY dangerous. ;^) My 1500 has a Mallory
>dual-point distributor on it. If I could find one, I'd like to
>reinstall the stock 45DE4 distributor. This is the one with the
>integral amplifier. If you have a good one perhaps we can arrange a
>swap. Or, I'll sell the Mallory and buy the 45DE4 from someone....
> Hopefully,
> Charley Robinson
> Kerrville, TX
> (830) 895-3917