Yep! IF! You are so right; 1000 <> 100 in this game. But, so far, so
good (said the suicide as he passed the 4th floor). You take the fun
out of teasing you when you're right! ;)
As for the bearing, thanks for remembering. The whole engine was
tired, with ovaled cylinders, some color showing through on one big
end bearing, low compression, etc. So for once, I tried not to do a
repair halfway and instead had a complete rebuild done, with full
balancing and all machine work done by competent people, all
suggested by my local AHCA club and a couple of local vintage racers.
As I build the kitty, more things will get done (like the exhaust).
Thanks again,
>In a message dated 09/19/2000 4:36:19 PM Central Daylight Time,
>jboatri@emory.edu writes:
><< If >>
>KEY word, Jeff!!<G>
><<it lasts a thousand miles, >>
>"Course you gotta MAKE 1000 miles!! er, 100 don't count!!
><<I'll tell the list just to upset Ed Kaler. >>
>Nah, I as everyone else would like to find "cheat roads". NOT.
><<Tee-hee! (He warned me a year ago that
> patching my exhaust pipe wouldn't work. The damn repair outlasted the
> engine!) >>
>Sorry to bring this up, BUT have you checked to see that exhaust flow was not
>hampered by the "patch" and caused an over heat sitution?? Sorrier yet to
>ask, but did motor have FULL load of oil and wawa??
>And you did R & R the bearing PRIOR to trying to drive the He*l out of it,
>All the above said & questions made, I am still sorry for your loss !!
> Ed
>PS: Improper place for "...cheers..." me thinks.
Jeffrey H. Boatright, PhD
Assistant Professor, Emory Eye Center, Atlanta, GA
Senior Editor, Molecular Vision
<mailto: jboatri@emory.edu>