The later 75's had 2 jack points. The earlier 75's
only had one. How do I know?...My 77 is a er...Jan 75
(found out after I had purchased the car) and guess
what!...ONE JACK POINT! But...I don't and won't use
it. I have a floor jack that works really well in
other areas of the car.
Dan Dwelley
7775 Midget
Alexandria, Va.
--- Trevor Boicey <> wrote:
> "John C. Gottstein" wrote:
> >
> > Mine is a 1975 RB Midget, and there is only one
> jack point. Want a picture?
> What is your car number?
> I also have a 75, with two. GAN6UF159854
> --
> Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
> Ottawa, Canada,
> ICQ #17432933
> "A Noble Spirit Embiggens the Smallest Man" -
> Jebediah Springfield
Dan Dwelley
77 Midget
Alexandria, Va.
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