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Re: A few questions

To: Ryan James Irwin <rirwin@iusb.edu>
Subject: Re: A few questions
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 19:33:18 -0500
Cc: spridgets@autox.team.net
References: <Pine.LNX.4.10.10009051739530.16073-100000@juniper.iusb.edu>
Ryan James Irwin wrote:

> I got a chance to browse around Ebay today through more than 1000 returns
> for "MG".  The few things I found to be helpful, I have questions about.
> A)  An MGB Steering Wheel.  3 Stainless steel spokes, wooden wheel...
> looks similar to the Mahogany wheel from Moss.  Designed for a 62-67 MGB,
> would this fit a '61 Midget?

I have a 65 'B' wheel in my 65 Midget so the chances are good that it should
work crossing over the 61 to a 62...................

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