Ok. Thanks for all of the similar replies from both lists. I was just
working on the principle that BMC wouldn't have drilled the heads for the
1300GT/Cooper S unless they felt there was good reason. The MG Metro heads
SEEM to have a brass plug inserted where the 10 and 11 studs would go, when
looking underneath the head. Certainly, the tops of the castings are
designed to have the extra holes put in as the locations for the extra holes
stand proud of the surrounding material.
----- Original Message -----
From Dave O'Neill <dave_oneill138 at hotmail.com>
To: <rob@thomasr.greatxscape.net>; <midgetspriteclub@listbot.com>;
Sent: 28 August 2000 20:56
Subject: Re: head studs number 10 and 11
> My advice on this one is DON'T BOTHER!
> I don't know of any one who has had a problem with just 9 studs, even
> running with a CR of 12:1. The biggest problem is stopping the gasket
> blowing between the two centre pots.
> If you insist on doing it, you can use the 3/8" studs front and back,
> although the 'S' originally used a 5/16" bolt at the front (t/stat) end.
> reason that the rocker gasket is different is that it has small cut-outs
> each end to clear the studs/nuts. You can obviously relieve a standard
> gasket to achieve this. You will also need to relieve the rocker cover in
> similar manner...but why???
> Dave O'Neill
> Solihull, UK.