In a message dated 08/25/2000 7:40:52 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:
<< dial in a Weber properly without a
selection of mains,chokes, and venturis available. >>
Rick, Does "...hit the nail on the head..." sound familiar??? <VBG>
BIGGEST PITA in the universe. Was "fortunate" enough to be an assistant on a
Volvo 122 E-Prepared Solo II set-up. Without a Dyno handy. 4 BOXES of said
abovr parts, charts, curves pictured, etc., etc., etc.. I can't even
remember how many hours (er, eons?) before we got ir right. And, yes, David
V. and Anton where on phone MANY times. Nope, never did see phone bill<G>
Didn't want to.
BUT, car went to Kansas a couple of times in top of class. Still never won,
BUT was fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!