Major mistake.... after Rapid City and Mt. Rushmore it is Cheyenne, Salt
Lake City, and through Nevada to home...... of course it is a case of "who
cares", but thought I'd correct it anyway. <G>
At 04:38 PM 8/25/00 -0700, DAVE wrote:
>Larry & Sandi,
>We will be in Castle Rock Colorado the 17th & 18th of Sept.... on our way
>from CA to the midwest.
>We also are taking a road trip.... We are leaving home on Sept 11th and
>will be in San Diego until the a.m. of the 15th -- then we'll have 1 nite
>in Phoenix, 1 in Albuquerque, two in CO (larger number of friends there to
>squeeze in visits with than in Phoenix and Albuquerque) then KCity area and
>on to Indiana for a week with "the folks".
>On the way back we plan to go (tentatively) north-ish and the overnites
>will be at Madison WI, Sioux Falls SD, Rapid City (Mt. Rushmore), Butte MT,
>Seattle, Grants Pass and then home. Whew! Be sure to wave when we pass
>one another.
>(We're loading up the van for this one; but some day we'll make it in an
>At 12:06 PM 8/25/00 -0700, Larry Miller wrote:
> >For anyone that may be interested I have posted maps of our upcoming Miata
> >trip from Virginia to Colorado.
> >
> >
> >
> >Our daughter is moving from Virginia Beach to Colorado Springs and Sandi and
> >I are moving their Miata for them. We have not made a cross country trip by
> >car in a few years so jumped at the chance to do it in a convertible.
> >
> >The mapped route is approximately 2,270 miles not counting any side trips.
> >We are arriving in Virginia on the 9th of September and leaving on Monday
> >the 11th.
> >
> >We hope to arrive in Colorado Springs on the 19th or 20th.
> >
> >Outside of stops in Nashville TN, Memphis TN, and one night in Dallas or
> >Nocona TX we will just stop where ever we are when we get tired.
> >
> >We hope to advance 250 to 300 miles along the main route each day. This
> >should give us plenty of room for side trips.
> >
> >If anyone has any "Must See" spots along the route, please feel free to let
> >me know.
> >
> >Larry & Sandi Miller
> >