Must be the fridge, Ed? You did a lot of PP'ing about the pool. :)
I have been told that it costs about $1000 cdn per year to operate a pool.
I would want my garages to be above grade, especially with the 40 days and
40 nights of rain that we have been getting this summer. :)
-----Original Message-----
><< but, where would I put it? >>
>Let's see, Robert: Get rid of 25,000 Gallons (US) of WATER and you have
>INSTANT Parking Garage!!!
> Ed
>PS: The chemical cost he FIRST year would pay for a "ramp"
>PPS: The chemical cost the Second year would pay for "flatting the sides"
>PPPS: The chemical cost the THIRD year would pay for a new "roof" over
>PPPPS: The checmical cost for the FOURTH year would pay for a FURNACE!!
>PPPPPS: The chemical cost for the FIFTH year would pay for A/C
>PPPPPPS: I quit. The mind boggles!!!