If someone in my office called in sick so that they could spend the day
working on their car, they'd be looking for a new job the next day!
>Woke up feeling sick, so I called into work and took the day off. About
>9ish, couldn't stay in house anymore. Maybe I'll feel better if I work on
>the Midget. That way I get some fresh air. Besides, I need to get it
>ready for inspection as I've been driving it for almost a month without
>Now that I think about it, maybe I should put in the differential I wanted
>to put in this week. So I started about 9:30. Took me till 12 to swap out
>the 3.9 for the 3.7. Runs good, no noise, and a slightly noticeable
>difference. I'm very happy with it. Thanks Paul. And thanks to all who
>emailed me, especially Frank's play by play and tech tips. What a bastard
>getting the new one up and into the housing, though. Finally accomplished
>it from the rear facing forward. TO everyone, Frank's tip was to complete
>one side of the car (axle, gasket, drum, and wheel), and lower it to the
>ground so the axle rear axle is on a slant to one side. Then fill the
>diffy from the hole where the other axle should be. Check by removing the
>filler nut and stop when it overflows.
>Now came the inspection stuff. My dash lights work now, at least for the
>most part. I ordered the wrong bulbs, so need to reorder. And my
>aftermarket oil gauge light burnt out, so I need to get that. I installed
>my new Hazard light, and changed all the bulbs that go with the switches.
>I couldn't get the damn reverse lights to work though. Finally gave up and
>DPO'd it. Hooked them up to a green illuminated toggle switch so that when
>I go in reverse, all I have to do is hit the switch. I know I know, but it
>was getting dark and I only really care b/c it needs to work for
>Then I fixed the radio, which was on the blink.
>All successful jobs with only 2 annoyances. I spilled the whole bucket of
>old diffy oil on my mother's concrete driveway (spent two hours cleaning it
>up). And kept losing all my stuff. At least until I looked up at the
>time and found my grandmother picking up my tools and parts and nuts and
>bolts and whatever else she could pick up and putting them in the garbage.
>She's old, what can I do.
>And now for the BEST part of the day. Went for a spin on the highway.
>60MPH at 3,400 RPM. Very acceptable. Got off the highway after two exits
>and decided to take the streets home (Brooklyn streets, btw. Not some
>country roads) About halfway there, I'm the first person at a light (one
>of many) and two kids in their early twenties pull up next to me (one lane
>each way) in their Toyota Camry with a muffler big enough that I could
>probably drive the Midget into it. You all know the type. Light turns
>green and they try and get in front of me, but have to cancel out b/c they
>waited too long and would have hit some parked cars. The next light comes
>up and once again I'm the first car. They pull up next to me, again. Only
>this time, there aren't any parked cars for the first 100 yards of the
>block. Do I smell a race? I'm thinking, I really should baby it, new
>engine and all. Then I think, I babied it for 600 miles, and I've taken
>I can take. I blip the throttle to let them know they're not getting in
>front of me. Light turns green. Stomp on gas and let up clutch. Tires
>squeal and car takes off. Guys in Camry take off too. Nose to nose. At
>RPM I pop it into second and stomp on gas. Tires squeal again. At 5K
>to third and look over. Camry is two cars behind. Heh heh. Eat that you
>bastards. May you skid out on my oil slick. Get to next light, Camry
>window rolls down; "Wow. That's one fast car. Where can I get one of
>those?" LMAO. I drove the rest of the way home with this BIG STUPID grin
>on my face and I've still got it plastered there. Now I've had my race for
>the year. I'm happy.
>Folks, the Midget flies. All those modifications really paid off. If I
>can squeal the tires (longer than just a chirp) in both 1st and 2nd with
>3.7, then I know there's a significant difference. I couldn't get even a
>chirp from the old engine with the 3.9. Yes, I tried. Set off countless
>alarms on that street, btw. I've decided I like the Monza.
>That was my day. I played hooky, worked on the car, accomplished a hellova
>lot on it, and tought some foolish guidos that they can't make a car fast
>installing a free flow muffler and an 8" high tail pipe. <grin> Can it
>any better than this?
>(knocking on some wood, just in case)
>'78 Midget
>'97 300ZX