I went to Pep Boys and got a role of the foil faced
insulation. $20 and I still have some left over. I
only glued it where I needed to. Supposedly reflects
97% of the ambient temp. (I'll believe it when I see
--- Frank Clarici <> wrote:
> "William M. Gilroy" wrote:
> >
> > I would like to insulate my cockpit a bit to keep
> the heat from the
> > engine out. I was thinking of doing the
> following, using a foil
> > faced insulation behind all of the cockpit panels.
> Good enough
> > or is there a better approach?
> I used jute carpet pading from a carpet store. Glued
> it in and carpeted
> right over it. It has been wet more then once, it
> keeps the noise down
> and the heat in in the winter.
> Cheap, and works.
> --
> Frank Clarici
> Toms River, NJ
> The bug in the rice bowl
Dan Dwelley
77 Midget
Alexandria, Va.
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