----- Original Message -----
From <DLancer7676 at cs.com>
To: <Ajhsys@aol.com>; <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Sent: 18 August 2000 03:26
Subject: Re: Was Seat adjustment, now WD40
> In a message dated 8/17/2000 10:05:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> Ajhsys@aol.com writes:
> << WD40
> is good to squirt in your distributor cap to displace water on wet days,
> it is a pretty good light lubricant, but it washes off when wet. >>
> Was just wondering, Allen, if you spray your car seat tracks with WD40
> the water was going to come from to wash it off? Maybe soaking in
> pool with the electrodes?? <G>
> --David C.
I expect this one has been done before, but......does everyone know what
WD40 stands for?
(Water dispersant-40 days( IE after 40 days it will no longer disperse
water, but will attract it - thus promoting further rust)
This is what I was taught on an aircraft mechanics course. They say not to
use it for anything except disassembly assistance as it will only worsen the
corrosion problems if it is left on for more than 40 days.
Of course, they also sent me out for a new bubble for a carpenters level on
my first day........