I feel I have to chime in on this thread (how's that for a mixed metaphor?).
It was a true pleasure to have 4 "kids" come and play in the candy store. I
get a bit blase about parts, and suffer from some burn-out especially on
those days when the customers are making some difficult demands. (never
from you guys, and rarely from the LBC world) Their enthusiasm is enervating.
Driving Ron's Bugeye put a great big SE Grin on my face (that's
South East, the direction I was driving.... what were you thinking?) that
is still there. It has been a while since I've had the pleasure. Got to get
me one of them. (anyone?)
Gracious guests, good company, good weather and understanding
(even enabling) wives.... Made for a great weekend. It was fun, and that's
the whole point.
Thanks guys. Peter C
At 09:22 PM 8/14/2000, Frank Clarici wrote:
>Ron Soave wrote:
> >
> > Beautiful weekend with some new friends and old cars.
>Home safe and sound after exactly what Ron described.