Assuming the Dellorto is a size 40 or size 45 DHLA sidedraught it is not that
much different from fitting a Weber DCOE size 40 or 45. They are almost
identical dimensionally and have the same fitting pattern. The DHLA used to
be a popular carb but is no longer in manufacture and some of the
calibrateable parts are no longer made and are hard to get. Assuming you can
get one calibrated ok and don't plan a rolling programme of performance
upgrades that are likely to require recalibration there is not much
disadvantage. If you read David Vizard's book he draws out the pros and cons
of each carb. If you have an old one and want to strip it down there is a
book on the carb ( - in the speed pro series).
In a message dated 14/08/00 04:35:04 GMT Daylight Time,
<< Hello Daniel1312,
has anyone done this... put a DELORDO on a SPRITE?...
how good or bad was it.. what pitfalls... how to
avoid?... >>