Are we planning on meeting somewhere before hand, or will it just be an AH free
for all up up to Big-Basin, and we'll all just congregate there??
If so do you know where in Big Basin they plan to meet?
Thanks - Bryan
BTW - Personally I'd hate to get stuck behind one of those 'Big-healys' taking
a Sunday Drive. I sure hope they know how to use the turn-outs;-)
>X-Accept-Language: en
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>To: Spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net>
>Subject: Big Basin Trip SWAG 8/13
>Hi All, especially the Northern Californian's
>Just a friendly reminder about the SWAG Run to Big Basin on Sunday. If
>you need directions let me know. Bring a Picnic lunch and drinks as
>there is nothing there but a ranger station.
>Don't let your not running car hold you back, drive the family truck if
>you have to. You don't even have to knock the manure off the runnin'
>boards, can you tell I work in ranch country? I won't say a thing about
>See you all there or be square.