Your installation seems to be running boost compararable to the MG Metro
Turbo and that installation used a 1.75" carb (SU HIF 6 or HIF 44). This is
blow throw installation but I guess will work suck through (assuming yours is
a suck through).
In a message dated 08/08/00 23:37:44 GMT Daylight Time,
<< nyone out there in Spridgetland have a single 1.5" SU they can spare? I'm
interested in seeing if I can get a bit more HP with a 1.5 instead of the
1.25" SU I've got on the turbo. The inlet of the turbo looks to be 2", and
the PO-made adaptor chokes down to 1.25". Boost seems to top out at about
7lbs with the throttle wide open, suggesting there is power waiting to be
had and head studs waiting to be severed.
Only caveat is: must be the "front" carb that has the float bowl on the left
as you look into the carb throat. The "back" one would have the float bowl
much too close to the exhaust manifold.
Trashed, corroded, stuck, and worn are perfectly O.K., as I will rebuild
anyway and it will keep this little experiment within my budget. ($0.0 US,
$2.50 Canadian)
Glen Byrns
'59 bugeye