> On 8/5/00 10:32 AM, Bruce Lowry at egnorant@flash.net wrote:
> Cruelest I have ever seen was a young lady named Ann Yale...her first
> name was Bitch. Then there are the local twins,(Accent on the caps)
> oRANGjello and leMONjello. Have met a Kandy Kane, Delaundy, Lobirtha and
> my favorite Formica Dinette. O.K. The last on was only on a list of
> possible names for a child. He was maned Malcolm Jamal.
I went to college with a woman whose parents named her 9 -- that's right,
the number nine, not spelled out. I think she had a brother named 5.
And there was a computer guy I know who spelled his name Bo3b -- the 3 was
silent. I think that was his creation though (possibly appropriated from
Tom Lehrer).
1962 Sprite