>> you may purchase AS MANY automobiles as you wish in any month?
I don't think so!! :)
Robert D.
( where would I get the money? )
-----Original Message-----
From Bill Miller <millerb at netusa1.net>
To: Robert B. Houston <transerv@sprynet.com>; spridgets@autox.team.net
Date: August 1, 2000 9:53 PM
Subject: Was:Gun Control, Now: Auto Control..... Still no LBC
>Since we are on the subject................
> - Did you know that automobiles are used in 100% of the drive-by
> shootings in America, according to the FBI?
> - Did you know that automobile accidents and homicides claim over
> 28,000 lives per year? In two years this casualty total exceeds that
> of the ENTIRE Vietnam War.
> - Did you know that there is NO state-mandated waiting period to
> purchase an automobile? And that you may purchase AS MANY automobiles
> as you wish in any month?
> - Did you know that importation of 'assault' sports-cars, IS STILL
> LEGAL IN THIS COUNTRY? These assault-cars usually have engine capacity
> in excess of 6 cylinders and are capable of speeds of 120 MPH (or
> more) and serve no useful driving purpose.
> - Did you know that there are NO restrictions on owning FULLY
> AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS...?! These transmissions are the preferred
> gear-shifting method of criminals and gangsters everywhere!
> - Did you know that there is NO criminal background check before
> purchasing a car? That you can go into any sleazy car dealers and
> purchase a snub-nose 'Saturday Night Special' Subcompact Economy car
> on nothing more than a signature, if you have the money?
> will we sit idly by as our young people crash into one another and
> kill one another with depraved indifference to human life. Not one
> more innocent bystander shall be mowed-down by an out-of-control
> driver who 'snaps'!
> Now, there is a group dedicated to controlling and eventually
> banning the automobile:
> Our goals are straightforward:
> 1) A national 7-day waiting period before a car may be delivered,
> after purchase
> 2) Total bans on all 'assault' sport cars.
> 3) Total bans on all snubnose 'Saturday Night Special' Subcompact
> cars.
> 4) Eventually, a total ban on all automobiles
> Let me introduce our spokesperson, Sarah Brainless.
> Sarah: "You may know my husband, Jim Brainless. During the attempted
> assassination of The President, Jim was hit in head by an
> out-of-control car...and..(sniff)...well, he's (sniff) never been the
> same since... (sniff, sniff, HONNNKK). So I dedicated the rest of my
> life to banning this evil object, the automobile. I know that there
> are a bunch of groups who will fight back against my efforts, such as
> the AAA. These whackos would like to see a car in every garage! ...and
> those Merchants of Death themselves, the Big Three carmakers... "As
> you know, the AAA claims that there is a constitutional right to
> travel. Well, I dispute that - If you read the whole amendment like WE
> do, it is clear that the founding fathers only intended that ORGANIZED
> MILITIA may be allowed to travel...it is NOT to be construed as an
> individual right to travel!"
> If you join Automobile Control Inc, we will send you the following:
> - A really neat pin that shows a car with a red line through it.
> - A fact sheet that dispels the myths of those who would argue for the
> owning cars.
> - A subscription to One Cylinder Short, the magazine that reflects
> the goals of ACI.
> - A really boffo bumper sticker that says "This car should be
> banned."
> Call: 1-800-BAN-CARS. Have a credit card ready.