I'm with you on this one, Toby. Too far advanced will usually give
horrible warning signals, pronounced pinging at lower rpm, premature
destruction at higher rpms. The retarded problem is one of the need for a
lot of additional fuel to try to get the normal performance out of the
engine, (can't get it,) and the resultant fuel load is just wasted heat
that causes overheating.
Paul A
FROM: Toby Atwater, INTERNET:Toby at intri-plex.com
TO: "Spridgets@Autox. Team. Net (E-mail)",
DATE: 7/25/00 12:34 PM
Re: RE: Timing Vs Over Heating
I always heard kind of the opposite. Spark too advanced (early) will of
course ping. Spark too retarded (late) will result in a loss of power and
overheating. It kind of makes sense. There is the same amount of gasoline
the charge but less power is developed, the wasted energy goes into heat
instead of usable pushing power. That is how it was explained to me...
Good luck
you mean advanced or retarded? the one that is advanced will run hotter
than one that is retarded.
----- Original Message -----
From Larry Miller <millerls at ado13.com>
To: Spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 3:22 PM
Subject: Timing Vs Over Heating
> Which will run the hottest, an engine that is timed too slow or one that
> timed too fast?
> Larry Miller
> http://www.ado13.com
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From Toby Atwater <Toby at intri-plex.com>
To: "Spridgets@Autox. Team. Net (E-mail)" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Timing Vs Over Heating
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 09:20:32 -0700