You can say that again I have a 2001 Ram truck that by 7000 miles had been
in the shop 4 times for transmission work.
Paul Van Wig
Long Beach, CA
-----Original Message-----
From Bryan Vandiver <Bryan.Vandiver at Eng.Sun.COM>
To: Bryan.Vandiver@Eng.Sun.COM <Bryan.Vandiver@Eng.Sun.COM>; <>
Cc: <>
Date: Friday, July 21, 2000 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: PT Cruiser (no LBC)
>I'm aware of the 'first model' syndrome, however Chrysler/Dodge has had a
>good tract record in the last several years with first model vehicles, the
>Intrepid for instance was it's best in it's first year, but gradually went
>good to fair over a couple years. I think what happens is that the first
year is
>'over-built/over engineered, and after the car has been on the market a few
>years, they figure out how to make it cheaper, and start cutting some
>The other issue is that you can bet that the next model year the price will
>up significantly.
> - Bryan
>PS - It's pretty ironic we are even discussinging reliability here - we
>BRITISH Cars ;-)
>>X-Accept-Language: en
>>MIME-Version: 1.0
>>To: Bryan Vandiver <>
>>Subject: Re: PT Cruiser (no LBC)
>>IMHO, the PT Cruiser is a great looking vehicle and probably very
>>not crazy about the 90's interior; I wish it were more retro, but...)
>>With that said, I would never buy any new design in its first year. I
>>isn't entirely new since it is based on Neon mechanicals, but I would
still let
>>others shake out the problems whether they be large or small.
>>Jay Fishbein
>>Wallingford, CT
>>Bryan Vandiver wrote:
>>> Has anyone had a chance to check out a PT cruiser yet??