Ron wrote about scouting the obits for apartments....
In his prime, my dad was legedary for visiting retirement villages as a
volunteer handyman, entertainer and all-round good guy. We always had a
second and third car with a for sale sign, and some were significant
finds.... He would take notes during long periods of listening to the old
folks, and follow up very discretely....
I cruise menopause manor every Wed to check out the great stuff
sitting on the curb, often denoting a loved one has departed, and the family
has rooted thru the modern stuff and taken what they want.
BTW, a neighbor's dad, down for a visit from Kentucky, died
unexpectedly (as if anyone expects to...) on a Sat morn. Funeral
arrangements for Wednesday. Sunday afternoon, her sister flies in from
Texas. She asked for the keys to Dad's van, presumably to go to the store.
Got in it and drove away. Back to Texas. Seems he had promised it to her
when he died. Bad call. He promised it to her but willed it to his other
daughter - my neighbor...."Hey sis, cooommeee onnn baaaccckkk..."