Here in the south we call it, "What's a rednecks famous LAST words"
>From: James Algar <>
>Reply-To: James Algar <>
>Subject: RE: Floating a VW
>Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 09:09:36 -0700
>As the old joke has it:
>"What are the three most dangerous words in the English language?"
>"Hey, watch this!"
>Jim Algar
> > ----------
> > From: William M. Gilroy
> > Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 9:05 a.m
> > To:
> > Cc:;
> > Subject: Re: Floating a VW
> >
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > I knew that! I used to own a '64 Beetle myself, and I tried to float
> > > once! (Not on purpose.)
> >
> > Years ago my buddy and I were traveling down a dirt road and came upon a
> > tree blocking the road. I told my friend to go around the tree. He
> > pointed
> > out the only way around was through the front yard of an abandoned house
> > and there were some hedges blocking the way and view. Boy genius,
> > me)
> > told him the hedges are not a problem if you have enough speed. So he
> > backs down the road and gets ready for the run. His only concern was
> > might be behind the hedges. I figured since it was front yard there
> > only be trees and since there were none taller then the hedges in view
> > it was not a problem, "Trust me" I said. Sadly he did. So he gets the
> > VW up to about 30 MPH, since we did not want to get stuck and we left
> > road and plowed right through the hedges like a hot knife through
> > Once were in the front yard doing about 20 MPH imagine our surprise when
> > we
> > saw the large in the ground swimming pool. Off the shallow end we went.
> > We came to a stop in the deep end in about 5 feet of water. Since the
> > VW had holes in the floor it sank quickly. To make matters worst the
> > was filled with about 5 feet of black water, leaves, and it had a really
> > bad smell. Oh yeah those holes just help shoot a massive stream of
> > all over the interior of the car and us. Let me tell you old, black,
> > stale pool water has a really bad taste. We both got a mouth full since
> > we hit the water screaming. So we had to wade out and walk
> > several miles to a phone to call a friend for a tow. He want to know
> > why we needed him to bring a couple of 2x10s. He laughed for a good 10
> > minutes when he saw our predicament. I wonder just what kind of mental
> > patient puts a pool in the front yard, don't they know the danger to
> > foolish children. True story.
> >
> >
> > Bill "Hey I have an idea, trust me" Gilroy
> >
> >