<<Keep in mind that most fluids (like Castrol LMA) have relatively low
boiling points >>
I guess that I should revise my statement a bit. Compared to _RACING_ brake
fluids Castrol LMA has a relatively low boiling point. This is particularly
important if you are using a pad compound that works when very hot (like
most race pads). For most street applications, LMA works well. I use LMA
on my Sprite which doesn't see track use or hard mountain use. For racing
down mountain switchbacks, I would want something a bit more robust... ATE
Super Blue is fully DOT 4 compliant, it just provides an extra bit of leeway
for those of you that may have experienced 'brake fade' due to boiled fluid.
Keep in mind that most Sprite engine compartments are pretty doggone hot to
begin with and the exhaust manifold/header is less that a foot away from the
master cylinders and brake lines. Heat buildup is a bit of a problem on a
nice hot day (I usually only take mine out in cooler weather).
Jackson Zimmermann