Cool-Gadget-of-the-month award goes to my windscreen washer kit. 4.5 litre
washer bottle with a large capacity pump (Ford?) connected with plastic
T-pieces from the local garden centre and a yard of plastic tubing. Using
the hole in the dashboard where the choke cable used to run, I fitted a
switch that operates the pump through a non-return valve up to a t-piece
running through a rubber grommet drilled into the bodywork between the two
washer jets. The rubber tubing then runs up the arms of the wipers and
finishes with two more washer jets clipped with tie-wraps to the arms. When
you press the switch, about a litre per second flushes the grime off of the
windscreen directly in front of ( and behind as my jets have two nozzles
each ) the blades. No more "Press to spit" Tudor washer pumps to worry
about. I've seen another version of this on Ken Selby's MGTA with a copper
tube drilled to allow a constant trickle of water along its length, screwed
across the top of the screen in front of the driver. Worked better than I
The next thing is to create some form of heat exchanger to warm the water
via a coolant hose. It would be great to adopt the export method of running
an extra wiper blade (or two). Fairly simple as my wiper motor is mounted
behind the dash and the cable is almost straight. Anyone done this or know
of any potential pitfalls?