just sharing my boring day stocking my sprite shelves in my basement. now
have 2 n.o.s. sets of rear shocks and 1 newright front shock. i keep
threatening to do another car! now for a bugeye
tub..............hmmmmmmmm? a few more new panels and i won't care how
rusty it is either! ha-ha! i laugh at the face of rust! though i know it
lurks............i know it's face and fear it not! with my torch and mig
welder as swords i prepare to do battle once again on the field of
structural integrity!
pretty noble sounding huh? i guess you have not met me yet then lol! yeah
i'm sir chubby knight, the lethargic. most rotund of the table (unable to
push table away when loaded with food) sprite's-a-lot. in the knigdom of
mowog! oh geez! i'm slaying myself here!!!! rotflmao!!!!!!!!!!!!! like
klippity-klopp-klop-klop my rusty steed! off to the chair of cushy and the
eternal watch over the vision of speed , whilst ever checking the eveready
power source's bunny like eternal powercells ability to change channels
remotely for seemingly endless time spans without needing a change. it's
like cabin fever in the summer time i think i'm loosing what little i had
before misplacing most of the rest..........................aaaarrrggghhhhh!
i'm bored off my assssterisk! like um .....does it show? oh say it is not
sooooooo! :)
respond on list in thread form with cats ,zappa or dot 9 million brake
fluid!(and they gave this guy a lisence to drive a race car ???) he-he-he!