The other day I was driving PIECES, a stock twin SU powered Sprite when
I noticed it wasn't running just right. I messed with the carbs and it
idled much better but had no power unless the choke was pulled out a
After much more *messing* with the carbs to no avail, I decided to just
change them to another set. Just before I was about to take them off, I
figured why not just change the dashpots and needle assemblys, after all
this would be much quicker. So I did.
When I pulled the back dash pot off, the needle was bent, big time! Very
noticable with the naked eye and I think I need glasses now too.
The last major tune up/carb work was jsut before my trip to the midwest
about 10 months ago. I did do the points and plugs this spring and it
has been running well. The head gasket did blow due to a stuck t/stat
back in May but it still ran well after a new gasket install.
So how does one bend a carb needle? No body but me *messed* with the
carbs and I never removed the dash pots, only some adjusting.
Could the blown head gasket and/or compression coming out the wrong end
have done this?
Like Ed says, inquiring minds....
BTW, what a difference a straight needle makes.
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
The bug in the rice bowl