Toby Atwater wrote:
> In all seriousness, I would prefer to be dead rather than increase the
> chances of my loved ones being shot by me or somebody else that has access
> to a weapon in my home by mistake. Also emotions are pretty powerful
> stuff... thoughts get confused... logic doesn't make sense...etc. why even
> increase the chances (no matter how remote) of an accident happening when
> life or death may result.
Better get rid of the knifes, bats, and large heavy objects. These can
and do kill every day. You are right emotions can run high. Be prepared
to live with the results of losing control of you emotions. So don't
buy a gun if you are worried. What if I am not? Why should you decide
for me?
> I know some of you will then argue that we face life\death results every
> time we start our LBCs and drive off. True, but owning a LBC, you should
> know there are risks involved and I hope most of you do know that. Some gun
> owners refuse to believe that risks are involved by owning a gun.
And many gun owners are very responsible and keep their guns under lock
and key. May have gun safes. Why punish them?
> The only personal experience I have is when a burglar broke into our house
> in Los Angeles. We woke up, he took off with an old camcorder and all was
> well. So what we lost a piece of electronic junk. Ya, he was a jerk... did
> he deserve to die? No.
Did he deserve to die? No, I agree. What if he threaten you and your family?
Does he deserve to die? By entering an occupied dwelling he placed himself
in a very high risk situation.
My home defense is a baseball bat under the bed and a 65 pound Shar-Pei. The
dog is friendly but if you came in the house in the middle of the night he would
attack no questions asked. He knows that you don't belong in the house. If I
you in no problem. If we are not home he would not attack. 65 pounds of fury
on you legs, arms and crotch would be me plenty of time to hit you in the head.
And I would not stop until you were not a threat. That is down and not moving.
Then I call my lawyer, let him deal with the police. I would also turn on the
lights before I started swinging since I would need to see what I was hitting.
No jury in the world would convict me of anything. That is what I feel
Bill Gilroy