Dear Listers:
Many valid points are raised by the earlier-mentioned case. My own opinion
is that lawmakers have failed to draw an important distinction between
long-barrel guns, which are not easily concealable, and are used for
hunting, with handguns. No matter how you rationalize it, handguns are made
with the sole purpose of one day causing harm to another human being.
Regardless of whether they are carried by individuals, law enforcement, for
self defense, or otherwise. I have no qualms about suppressing handguns.
Long barrel rifles, muzzle-loaders, shotguns (of which I own a '48
Winchester 12 ga.) are suitable for hunting, sport, and defense against
animals, as well as intruders. The fact that such a weapon is
non-concealable makes it substantially less likely to be used in a crime,
smuggled into a school, or hidden in a car. Hunting, meanwhile, feeds
families, provides enjoyment, as well as offering a social benefit.
(Wouldn't you PA residents appreciate having less deer on the highways?)
Besides, there are no ballistics with which to be concerned when using the
LBC Content: Where can I get a gun rack for a spridget?
'74 Midget
'68 Sprite
Bloomfield, NJ
"How about we duck inside for a Hen?"