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To: "Spridgets" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 19:58:32 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
BTW ...

I saw our legislation coming and decided that since, at that time, our
income was not so great, I should sell off my handguns since they would be
worthless in the near future, and it would be best for the family.  It turns
out that, despite my best efforts, I was right.  My wife suggested, that
since I had a strong belief that I was right, that I should try to influence
the government/population.  I believe that she was right.  I strongly
believe that our government is wrong and should be held accountable for the
hundreds of millions of dollars of our tax dollars that they have wasted so
far with no benefit.  IMO the Canadian government has embezzled money.  They
have misled, under researched ( no research ) and appeased the ignorant for
their political gain, not for the public benefit.  I started doing the
research, to decide how I should manage the family funds, and found
government ( auditor general ) reports that showed that the government had
no interest in measuring public benefit from gun control.  I remain
convinced that I was/am right to speak my mind and that the taxpayers money
is better spent on education, and the betterment of the economy.  For the
most part, if you can earn it, you don't need to violently acquire it, and
you are far less likely to be under debilatating stress and suffer mental

Robert D.

-----Original Message-----
From Dan Dwelley <maine2me at yahoo.com>
To: RBHouston@aol.com <RBHouston@aol.com>; jboatri@emory.edu
Cc: spridgets@autox.team.net <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Date: July 12, 2000 7:32 PM

THanks RB! Well Jeff...I think a good point has been
made. I can still dig up some of the instances you
desire but I think RB has a list he gets every month
as well.

Dan (Nothing personal Jeff)

--- RBHouston@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 07/12/2000 1:08:06 PM Pacific
> Daylight Time,
> jboatri@emory.edu writes:
> << OK, Dan, surprise us. How about some real data on
> either subject:
>  (1) How many successful uses of a firearm for
> personal defense occur
>  in your city/county/state/country (any one will do)
> in the past
>  year/decade/century (any one will do)?
>  (2) How many times did these go unreported in the
> press?
>  Educate us. >>
> Let me try, let me try (put me in coach!)...
> Just a week or so ago (do I get points off for not
> knowing the exact date?) a
> less than ideal citizen type jumps the fence at a
> local (El Paso, TX)
> doctor's home.  He approaches a contractor working
> in the guys yard with his
> hand in his shirt, announces that he has a gun and
> forces the guy into the
> house.  He gathers up the good Dr., the contractor,
> and the Dr.'s family
> including teen age children, and has them kneel on
> the kitchen floor.  Not a
> pretty scenario.
> Then, being an obvious Rhodes scholar type the
> "gunman" asks the Dr. to go
> and get him some clean clothes to change into.  The
> Dr. returned with the
> clothes, and a handgun, and ended the hostage
> situation with two shots to the
> fellows chest.
> It turned out he actually had no gun, and I am sure
> the mental anguish the
> Dr. is going through right now is tremendous and
> only secondary to that he
> was suffering with his family on their knees in the
> kitchen.  HE DID THE
> RIGHT THING.  There were only two ways the situation
> could have turned out
> otherwise.  The bad guy could have changed clothes,
> said thank  you, and left
> peacably, or he could have killed them all.  Would
> you bet your childrens
> life on an unbalanced stanger making the right
> decision?
> This was in the paper, locally, because it was good
> news.  Did anyone outside
> this area read about it?  I'd be surprised.  I get a
> monthly magazine that
> lists a page full of such successful defenses in
> each issue, but none ever
> make national news.  BUT, let anyone be killed in an
> accident, or a child be
> killed by any type of gun in under any circumstance
> in the US and it will
> make page one in a great deal of newspapers.  I'm
> not minimizing the
> importance or tragedy of a child's death, but noting
> that stories that lend
> themselves to the anti-gun movement get much more
> play than those that would
> support a pro-armed citizen movement.
> Like I said, did anyone read about the Dr. saving
> his family's lives?  Bet
> you all read about the child in Deming, NM that took
> a gun to school and shot
> another child.
> Again, accidental, or intentional, or criminal
> deaths of innocents by gunshot
> are despicable and we should do everything in our
> power to stop them.  But
> trying to get rid of an inanimate object to solve
> people problems is like
> banning cars to stop drunk drivers.
> RH...can you tell how I really feel?

Dan Dwelley
77 Midget
Alexandria, Va.

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