I had to laugh one time when it was explained to me that a car did not have
to run to pass a safety inspection because if it didn't run, it was fairly
safe in its stationary state. :)
Robert D.
-----Original Message-----
From Frank Clarici <spritenut at Exit109.com>
To: Wiedemeyer <boxweed@thebest.net>
Cc: Bill Miller <millerb@netusa1.net>; spridgets list
Date: July 12, 2000 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: Free Triumph Stag
>Wiedemeyer wrote:
>> Hmmmm.........You say it's more reliable now that it has no engine than
>> was with the original engine?! Not much in the way of kudos for
>That is correct! at least now it will never break down ;)
>Frank Clarici
>Toms River, NJ
>The bug in the rice bowl