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Re: Crack detection

To: Bob Spruck <bspruck@mindspring.com>, Spridget List <spridgets@autox.team.net>, Vintage Race List <vintage-race@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Crack detection
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2000 19:16:19 -0700 (PDT)
You may want to check out yur local welding supply
shop. They have dye penetrant test kits for crack
testing and may very well be cheaper than Eastwood. We
used to use these on our spindles when I used to race.

John Holliday
67 Sprite

--- Bob Spruck <bspruck@mindspring.com> wrote:
> After hearing the Flounder's sad story about the
> steering arm bolts
> breaking on his Bugeye race car, I am prompted to do
> another crack test on
> my ' 67 Midget vintage race car. This time I want to
> do it myself since the
> car is not apart as it was when we last checked the
> critical parts. There
> is a Magnaflux Crack Detector Kit listed on the
> Eastwood website for $29.99
> (item number 43128). Does anybody on the List have
> any experience with this
> kit or any others? Is it effective?  How many
> "cracks" can it test? Does it
> store well after partial use? I may want to buy two
> kits and save what I
> don't use. I plan on checking the spindles and
> kingpins. Any other
> suggestions?  The Eastwood site is
> www.eastwoodcompany.com. 
> Regards,
> Bob Spruck
> Sharpsburg, GA
> ' 67 Midget Vintage Racer
> ' '72 Midget Weekend Car
> 4 parts cars in the woods

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