Along with replacing the rear spring boxes, floor, and sills on my
Bugeye, I am also repairing/replacing other panels. Are there certain
manufacturers that I should watch out for (either pro or con)? (The
Archives suggest avoiding "TASCA" or "TASCAR". "Carcraft" and
"Steelcraft" have good comments and it's noted that they should be made
to "British Heritage" specs.)
I am also looking for a quality supplier of panels in the
Montreal/Toronto/Detroit area if anyone can recommend one knowledgeable
about Bugeyes. (I see from the Archives that AH Spares - JustBrits is a
vendor - and Motorhead have good records but I'm hoping for someone more
local. Anyone know of a Canadian supplier of parts from AH Spares?)
Does anyone have any experience with the "repair" panels available? Are
they worth the cost or is it a better investment to have a quality
fabricator do my work? (I'm of the "we tight" crowd, if bodywork can
possibly fall into such a budget).
Thanks for your advice!
Geoff Muttart
Bugeye Sprite
Nova Scotia, Canada