Although I havent had my life flash before my eyes while flipping through
the air in a spridget, I am old enough to recognize some very real debts of
gratitude to some large groups of people. One of those debts is to Canada
and Canadians in general. Americans should never forget those dark days in
Iran when the mobs were sacking the American Embassy and sweeping through
the streets trying to capture every American they could lay their hands on.
Because of the actions of Canadians, many Americans were saved from capture
and later spirited out of the country by a handful of very brave people who
could have paid dearly, had their actions been brought to light. Thank you
for being the kind of "stand-up" people you were and are. Your actions were
magnificent. I have often wondered if our State Department and local
diplomats would have responded the same way, if the shoe were on the other
foot. I would like to think so, but I am not sure we still have that kind
of moral fibre to do the right thing
in the face of grave diplomatic and personal risk. I had friends in Tehran
that were saved years of internment because of those Canadians. On behalf
of them and myself I want to thank you. We owe you a debt that will be hard
to repay. Americans in general should never forget those moments, and who
was there to pull our nuts out of the wringer.
Sorry, no LBC, but watching the "Canadian theme" I felt a need to get this
off my chest.
Larry Cogan
-----Original Message-----
From William M. Gilroy <wmgilroy at>
To: Karen & Greg <>
Cc: <>
Date: Sunday, March 26, 2000 1:45 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Oh where, oh where is my little sill gone? (NO LBC)
>Karen & Greg wrote:
>> Mr.Robert Duquette
>> Thank you for those kind words, I'm glad you didn't have any intentions
>> embarrassing me, and the the other Canadians on the list.
>> The questions I have is, who is this gentleman R.H. Houston,?
>> He must be an American,wishing he was Canadian, so 50 % of his wages will
>> on taxes so our Liberal Government,
>Last Sept. I was in Montreal since the wife and I did not have time to plan
>a real vacation. They do have good food in Montreal. It was kind of
>funny we were in the casino and as my wife was losing she said, "Oh, its
>not that much, it's only Canadian." Then she hit for $500.00 in a slot
>machine and what does she say to the Canadian next to her, "Oh damn,
>it's Canadian, it is not like I won real money." Ah the mind of the
>gambler. Canada is a nice country, but a bit to cold for my taste.
>Bill "The sissy boy" Gilroy
>77 Midget
>90 Shar-Pei
>Assort Jap jelly beans
>PS. Non of this was meant to offend our northern brothers.
>PPS. All of my vacations revolve around food and booze.