Whoa, Mike..... don't use vise grips... use the special tool or make one or
just use vise grips to hold 2 (two) 1/4'"- 1/2" diameter pipes or bolts or
something. The vise grips are a bit too sharp(?) and will damage the hoses
if they weren't damaged before. Another symptom of plugged or collapsed
hoses is stuck-on brakes where they don't release. Test this by opening a
bleed screw and if the brake releases, the hose is at fault, almost always.
Damaged/collapsed hose symptoms 1) Brakes won't bleed, no fluid at
2) spongy pedal 3) Brakes won't release.
Hoses are cheap, replace them.
Peter C
Jon, good catch, btw
At 08:00 AM 3/23/2000 , Michael Lupynec wrote:
>Conversely, if you have a spongy brake clamp the flex line briefly
>with vice grips. If the problem is cured the problem is past the
>line and if it remains the same the sponginess is coming from the
>Mike L.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Gerard Chateauvieux <pixelsmith@gerardsgarage.com>
>To: Jon Paschke <birdman@lightspeed.net>;
>Sent: March 23, 2000 3:16 AM
>Subject: Re: Stuffy Brakes
>> Jon,
>> Good call!! You got me thinking about this and after verifying
>that I had
>> fluid as far as the flexible lines, I got suspicious and removed
>one of the
>> rubber lines. Sure enough, it was blocked! Well, at least that's
>easy to
>> remedy.
>> Thanks!
>> Gerard
>> At 9:57 PM -0800 3/22/00, Jon Paschke wrote:
>> >Did you replace the rubber lines? They could be swelled shut.
>> >
>> >Jon