I had a very similar situation once. My car would start, run for a minute or
then die. I checked everything I could think of. I am not really fond of doing
tune-ups, but I am always careful to do it right. After eliminating every other
possibility, I double checked the air cleaners. I had put them on backwards and
the little hole in the filter case did not match up with the holes on the carbs.
Just a thought.
Steven Fooshee wrote:
> Hello, list!
> I've gotten around to repairing the vacuum leaks on MotorToad the
> day, and now she won't run for more than a few seconds and I'm hoping
> it's something simple which my lack of experience causes me to not
> notice.
> I removed the intake and exhaust systems and redid everything with
> Permatex Super Copper RTV (recommended by people who run drag race
> RX-7s). Now when I go to start it, she runs for several seconds and is
> very (spooky, even) quiet [some of which may be due to the changes I
> made to the cheapie-hack Falcon exhaust], but it won't go over 2000 rpm
> even at full throttle and stalls after just a few seconds, regardless of
> throttle or choke positions. After a few seconds, the scenario is
> readily repeated. And repeated.
> One of the more obvious problems which I can't remedy is that I have
> idea what the ignition timing is at. It's near where it was before but I
> can't get to the front of the car while cranking it, and don't have a
> helper at the moment. I think it should be close enough (I've run it
> pretty far out of whack).
> Any clues as to what I'm missing would be appreciated (obviously :).
> --
> 1987 RX-7 TII: Stops making power at about 7000 rpm.
> 1990 GS 500-E: Starts making power at about 7000 rpm.
> MCMLXIX Sprite: Becomes a study in ballistics at about 7000 rpm.
> How can they call it "drag" racing if they're not wearing skirts?
> -