Jim Werner's message contains the "official" position of the ATW
organizers, that they are not releasing hotel information early to be
sure that spectators do not take rooms they need.
As a reminder, I have the names of the hotels in Marquette, MI (7/1)
and Bay City, MI (7/2), and have reserved a block of rooms in both
cities. If you would like to participate in a trip to Marquette and
Bay City to meet the ATW Rally, please contact me ASAP. One of the
hotels will only hold the block of rooms until 4/15. It would be
very encouraging to the rally participants to be greeted by a sizable
contingent of Healey's in these 2 locations.
Bob Brown wrote:
> ATW is getting closer! The cars will be leaving from London May 1. I thought
> I would give everyone an update by attempting to answering some of the most
> Frequently Asked Questions. When I use quotation marks I am drawing from one
> of Peter Hunt's emails.
> The organizers do not want spectators to take up the hotel rooms beforehand
> so release of information by the rally planners is limited.
> Use your best judgment in determining the travel time to reach your location
> and go from there. More information will be coming as the event nears.
> Mechanical - We have a web page at <A
> HREF="";>ATW Vehicle Specs</A>
> with information about the cars. <A
> HREF="";>ATW Spares Page</A> lists
> parts that the Hunt's will be carrying. Remember these parts may be used up
> before they arrive at your stop but it provides a good reference point. <A
> HREF="";>ATW Oil filters</A>
> lists the oil filters to be used and a listing of cross equivalents.
> Thanks,
> Jim Werner
> Louisville, KY
> Visit the North American Supporters for the Healey's in the Around the World
> Rally web site at