Isn't the supply adjusted artificially. Don't they just produce less
because they want to produce less? This is what I had heard. That way they
can get more money for less production cost.
Our winter seemed pretty mild except for that cold snap. ( okay, more than
a snap) I think that we used less heating oil than usual, but will pay the
same dollars due to cost per litre.
My ( more than ) .02
Robert D.
-----Original Message-----
From Larry Macy <macy at>
To: Ron Soave <>; Spridgets list <>
Date: February 26, 2000 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: Great American Gas Out (LBC? Maybe....)
Well I am a 40 something and as I recall gas was 28� a gallon when I
started driving. And I have yet to see $1.50 per gallon. $1.319 - $1.429
(premium) yes.
I also read somewhere in the last few days (can't for the life of me
remember where) that the pundits expect gas prices to drop over the next
couple of months. Seems the suppliers forgot we can have cold winters in
the NE and didn't figure the heating oil demand right and the demand
outstriped the supply. Anybody that took Economics 101 knows what happens
then. So as the weather warms the demand will ease and the prices will
drop a little and then stabilize.
Until the summer driving season starts.
Mandatory LBC stuff - I was getting between 20 and 25 MPG in the Midget.
New plugs (NGK), New K&N filter for the Weber, oil change, adjust Weber,
check timing on the Pertronix enhanced dizzy and?? - back to the 25 - 30
I am used to.
One time I got 35 MPG on the trip down the Blue Ridge with a full load of
camping stuff and 2 persons. With a seven gallon tank = ~240 miles. Might
be some kinda record for me. Usually can go about 3 hrs on the highway
before I need gas/butt rest stop. That is an average of approx 180 mi.
for those that are mathematically challenged. ;-)
BTW when I got the old license minimum was $1.50 I think. But then it
stayed there for a loooooooong time
>>>>On 2/25/00 9:20 PM so and so (Ron Soave) said. (And I quote:)
>After listening to all the 40-somethings at work talk
>about 35 cent per gallon gas when THEY got their
>driver's licenses in 1972, I had to do the math. With
>inflation, that works out to, you guessed it, $1.50
>per gallon. We're spoiled.
>--- Toby Atwater <>
>> I've been paying 1.69 /gal for about 5-6 months now.
>> I'm not complaining...
>> After living in France for 4 years where gas is
>> roughly the same price as
>> here.... BUT YOU ONLY GET A Liter!
>> BTW I did participate in the great gas out last
>> year... But it probably
>> doesn't make a difference since you fill up the day
>> after or the day before.
>> To really participate... just don't drive your car
>> that day. That's what I
>> did... heh both my cars were "down" that day.
>> Toby
>> 71 FJ$0 whoops... FJ40
>> > > I, for one, am tired of $1.50/gal. This was
>> worthy of my
>> > support. I hope
>> > > you feel the same.
>Ron Soave
>"Here we are now, entertain us!"
>Do You Yahoo!?
Larry Macy
78 Midget
Keep your top down and your chin up.
Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Manager/Administrator
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a
question and you're a fool for the rest of your life.