In a message dated 1/28/00 12:10:34 PM, writes:
<< If someone could copy a schedule of events at Kerrville
we could try to work around that too. >>
Assuming that the activities for Texas Healey RoundUp follow that of the last
couple of years and would guess that it will then:
Friday late afternoon/evening - registration, hospitality room (social time)
and often a highly skilled completion such as office chair races around the
swimming pool.
Saturday Morning - Popular Car Show
Saturday Afternoon - Rallye
Saturday Night - Banquet, some awards
Sunday Early Morning - Gymkhana
Sunday Mid-Morning - Brunch and remaining awards.
Sunday Noon - Goodbye’s
There is very little "free" time at this event if you participate in all of
the activities.
Hope this helps
Bob and Annice